
Monday, September 30, 2019

Discuss the dramatic importance of the witches in Macbeth Essay

Macbeth was written sometime between 1603 and 1606. This coincides with the accession of James VI of Scotland to the English throne, as James I of England, in 1603. The play was certainly written with James in mind. Firstly, it caters for the interests and expertise of James: its fascination with the supernatural would attract his attention. Witchcraft, apparitions, ghosts and the King’s Evil were areas of great concern to James. Secondly, it compliments James by making his ancestor, Banquo, a hero in the play. Thirdly, the play explores the issue of kingship and loyalty. These were of profound importance to James, who had survived an assassination attempt earlier in life. Fourthly, the play is intimately related to the topical events of the Gunpowder plot of 1605 (where loyal people were planning to kill the king) and the subsequent trials of its conspirators. This failed coup was sensational in a number of ways – the sheer audacity of trying to blow up Parliament amazed the country, as did the scale of the treachery involved. Treason is related to the wider theme of appearances. For example, Lady Macbeth advises Macbeth to â€Å"look like th’innocent flower, but be the serpent under’t.†(Act 1, Scene 5, lines 64-65). When saying this, she is trying to convince Macbeth to become a villain and murder King Duncan; this expression could also be showing how scared she is. Lady Macbeth is tempting Macbeth to deceive people and create a disguise to achieve an end. It could also be deduced that the witches possessed the knowledge of what would trigger ambition, greed or deceit in the characters of Lady Macbeth and Macbeth. Throughout the play, the witches have different dramatic functions such as setting the scene, creating or changing the atmosphere, foreshadowing what would happen later on in the play, altering the characters language and minds and they also acted as a plot device. All these dramatic functions will have different effects upon the audience. In this play, there are 5 main dramatic techniques. Firstly, there’s pathetic fallacy. This is used to create an atmosphere by the use of weather. For instance, in this play, it’s used at the beginning of Act 1, Scene 1. For example, â€Å"Thunder and lightning† evokes a feeling of evilness and darkness. This portrays an intimidating beginning. The audience would feel frightened; they would immediately guess it’s a prologue of the evil. Another function of the witches is foreshadowing, which signifies giving clues about future events, which Shakespeare uses to give clues to the audience about future events, by doing this, he makes the audience think in advance. Namely, this technique is used when the witches are playing with Macbeth’s sleep; this example indicates that this creates a feeling of confidence and nervousness amongst the audience. Confidence because the audience will know what is going to happen so they will be prepared for whatever to come. However, the actors on stage wouldn’t know what is going to happen; this indicates that the audience would feel nervous waiting for the reactions of the actors. Besides these, there are three more: dramatic irony, this will create a nervous feeling; this is because the audience would feel nervous waiting for the reactions of the actors. Besides these, there are three more: dramatic irony, this will create a nervous feeling; this is because the audience will know more than the actors on stage. The next one is symbolism, this depends on the audience, some people will have gained the ability to interpret words in different ways, these people will obviously know and understand the play fully however the people who haven’t gained this ability yet, will miss out bits and pieces of information. Finally, there’s plot device. This will be understood by everyone as it’s just the introduction of characters or objects that change events. In this case, the plot device is the witches. They are the ones who change events. This will create fear amongst the audience. In the beginning of Act 1, Scene 1, the witches were introduced as the evil side of this whole play. â€Å"A heath, Thunder, Enter three witches† has a lot of meaning. A heath is a barren land, a deserted place with a rough landscape covered with mud, it’s basically a place where no human being will live, and this creates tension amongst the audience. This is also created by using ‘pathetic fallacy’, another technique, in the word â€Å"thunder†. This word has a lot of meaning; it can be looked as weather, a sign of evil and darkness but also as a danger or warning. This immediately creates fear and tension. When the â€Å"three witches enter† (Act 1, Scene 1), the effect will be almost immediate, somewhere between shock and fear. â€Å"Three† is the number that witches mostly use to symbolise evil, so when the three witches enter, the audience is warned about what’s to come. This relates back to the introduction, in the Jacobean times, the audience will have had a very strong belief in witches and witchcraft; they were convinced that the witches has a lot of power and besides that they also suspected the witches to perform and make spells. On the whole, witches create these dramatic functions by firstly, being the first things to appear on stage, secondly by using pathetic fallacy and by finally talking in the witches language which is mostly made up of chants, spells and evilness. An example of a spell could be â€Å"Thrice the brindled cat hath mewed† which could show evil when we see the words â€Å"three† and â€Å"cats† which are things normally associated with evil. The witches also act as a plot device, they changed Macbeth’s fortune. At the start of the play, Macbeth is seen as the man of action, he is a fearless warrior and an important Lord who defends the king against treachery. He is praised by the King and by everyone else, including the audience. Initially he has a conscience and a highly developed imagination, â€Å"he is full, so valiant† (Act 1 Scene 4) – he sees all too well in his mind the horrors of what he is proposing to do – but he shuts out the implications of what this is telling him. Manhood is important to Macbeth, Shakespeare creates this impression when Macbeth says â€Å"I dare do all that may become a man; Who dares do more is none† (Act 1, Scene 7). This suggests that Macbeth will â€Å"dare† to do anything to show that he’s a man, he also talks back to Lady Macbeth which will give a shock to the audience; this also tells the audience that Macbeth’s manhood is very important to him. This is what the witches play on through Lady Macbeth and her language. The witches influence Lady Macbeth’s language. Lady Macbeth appeals to his manhood when persuading him to murder Duncan in the first place; she also makes a similar appeal during the banquet scene. Lady Macbeth thinks him â€Å"too full o’the milk of human -kindness† -an extraordinary statement in the light of the murders that Macbeth commits. The audience’s point of view on Macbeth also changes from strong and loyal to a treacherous and murderous character. The witches also foreshadow the torture that Macbeth will feel when they say â€Å"Hang upon his penthouse lid; He shall live a man forbid†. These words rhyme; this makes it sound like an enchantment, like a chant. â€Å"I’ll drain him dry as hay!† is a simile, which has been used to create a picture (of a man being tortured) of what’s going to happen to Macbeth. When the audience hears this line with the word â€Å"drain† in it, they will be wondering whether the witches are going to drain him with blood. However it’s only in the next line, â€Å"Sleep shall neither night nor day†, that the audience understands that the witches are going to drain Macbeth with sleep like one of the witches did to the poor sailor because of his wife not giving chestnuts to the witch. â€Å"And munched, and munched, and munched† is a repetition of the woman eating. This emphasises the point and helps the audience to visualise the eating actions. Witches can’t kill so they would do anything possible to play around with the victim’s consciousness. In Act 1, Scene 3, after the sailor’s meeting, all three sisters pronounce a chant. They also link back to evil when they say â€Å"thrice to thine† which again relates back to evil. The audience here will be warned about what’s going to happen to Macbeth, Shakespeare uses foreshadow in this context. With this in mind, when Macbeth says â€Å"Methought I heard a voice cry, Sleep no more: Macbeth does murder sleep† (Act 2, Scene 2) evokes a frightening atmosphere. The audience would be aware of this as it has already been foreshadowed in the previous lines of the witches. This is also showed when the witches say â€Å"Yet it shall be tempest-tossed!†, this also foreshadows what’s going to happen to Macbeth later on, that they are going to toss him a round like he’s in a storm. The witches deliberately play with the characters; they give misleading visions to Macbeth. Macbeth who was once a reputable, loyal and important Lord becomes involved with evil. We can see this when he says â€Å"Though you untie the winds and let them fight†¦Even till destruction sicken† to the witches on Act 4 Scene 1. This shows that Macbeth is prepared to risk all the common hazards of witchcraft, he is prepared to lay down his arms in front of evil. However what he says can also be interpreted as an uncontrolled ambition. Before Macbeth comes to meet the witches, Hecate tells the other witches that Macbeth has used witchcraft â€Å"for his own ends†, not for the witch’s sake (Act 3, Scene 5). In addition, she says that â€Å"by the strength of their illusion, shall draw him on to his confusion†. This again foreshadows what will happen later on to Macbeth. When Macbeth comes on stage, the audience will know more than Macbeth, which is dramatic ir ony. Macbeth received comfort from the three apparitions that the witches call up. They appear in symbolic form. The first, â€Å"an armed head†, represents Macbeth’s own head (wearing a helmet); the â€Å"bloody child† that comes next is Macduff, who has been â€Å"untimely ripp’d’ from his mother’s womb (as he tells Macbeth in Act 5, Scene 7); and the last, the royal child with a tree in his hand, is Malcolm, the rightful King of Scotland who approaches the palace at Dunsinane camouflaged with tree-branches (Act 5, Scene 4). These are all forthcoming events but Macbeth looks at them and interpret them as â€Å"that will never be† (Act 4, Scene 1). The witches also don’t tell him the real meaning as they want him to get confused, they want to see how he’s going to interpret their pictures, and it’s their type of revenge for him as he had used â€Å"witchcraft for his own ends†. He doesn’t think twice about their meanings, he doesn’t even try to understand them. He feels comfortable when he misunderstands that he’s safe. This means that the images can symbolise different things and everyone’s got different ways of interpreting them. Macbeth cannot interpret these symbols, but Shakespeare expects the audience to understand what is meant. This is ‘dramatic irony’- when the truth of a situation is known to the audience but hidden from the characters in the play. There is dramatic irony, too, in the words spoken by the apparitions, for again we understand the real meanings, while Macbeth can only understand the apparent meanings of the words. Macbeth, however, is in no doubt about the significance of the final ‘show of Eight Kings’. The witches want Macbeth to â€Å"Hear his speech, but say thou nought† (Act 4, Scene1). This shows that the witches do not want Macbeth to know what it really means they give ambiguous visions. The witches also say â€Å"Seek to know no more† (Act 4, Scene1), this means that Macbeth always wants more, he is greedy but it could also mean that the witches do not want to tell more. They want Macbeth to use his imagination to work out what the symbolic images mean, even though he goes on the wrong path, they do not stop him but encourage him to find his own interpretations. The audience would also probably feel shocked and surprised to see that a loyal man like him has turned into something evil. One of the main functions of the witches is to affect the language used by other characters – which mirror their evil language. They do this with Lady Macbeth when she starts to use negative and evil connotations. She places herself in the centre of evil, we can see this when she says â€Å"And pall thee in the dunnest smoke of hell† (Act 1 Scene 5). By placing herself there she becomes one of them. Lady Macbeth starts to use symbolism; she uses lots of symbols related to evil such as â€Å"raven† and â€Å"croaks the fatal entrance†. The raven is a bird associated with evil and fear, raven doesn’t normally croak, fatal also means deadly so the audience might expect murder or something deadly (Act 1 Scene 5). In the beginning of the play (Act 1, Scene 3), Macbeth says â€Å"So foul and fair I have not seen† mirrors the witches words. The effect upon the audience of this oxymoron should be immediate; they understand that what Macbeth just said is the repetition of what the witches said earlier on, this brings panic amongst the audience as they start to guess that Macbeth is letting evil penetrate through him. Macbeth gains the audiences sympathy by exposing his weakness -almost subconsciously. He is not a â€Å"bare-faced† plain murderer, but he is also a prisoner of horrendous imaginings. Shakespeare helps him gain this sympathy by making the audience decide on the moral issues involved. Shakespeare allows Lady Macbeth to explain her husband’s character as she understands it, and although she cannot see the whole truth, she tells us a great deal about Macbeth that is true. Two lines of her soliloquy in Act 1, Scene 5 are particularly significant â€Å"Thou wouldst be great; Art not without ambition, not without The illness should attend it.† By ‘illness’ Lady Macbeth mean ‘evil’, but her metaphor is appropriate; Macbeth catches ‘evil’, as one might catch a disease. Duncan getting killed creates havoc; it upsets the natural order and the reminder to the audience that you have to accept the King or Queen chosen by God is very well interpreted so that the message is clear. If you unbalance the natural order, you’ll allow ‘evil’ to take over. A paradox is used when Macbeth changes from a loyal Lord to a murderer. This is one of the important turning points. Macbeth gains the crown; but he loses love, friendship, respect – and in the end his life. His crime is rightly punished. It can be argued that the witches are not human at all, and therefore cannot be considered as a character. They are certainly a malign force in the play. They do not invite Macbeth to murder Duncan or even suggest such a thing. This shows that witches are very powerful. They symbolise evil, but man is free to resist them. Macbeth’s downfall occurs partly because he comes to depend upon their information. The prophecies weren’t prophecies; they were Macbeth’s driving force. The audience will not be very pleased to see the witches as they are supernatural phenomena; they are the device that unbalances the natural order. The audience will also be partly surprised that Shakespeare has included Hecate, the leader of the witches as a real person. But as I said before it was all in Macbeth’s hand, he was the one to choose his faith.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Environmental Policy, Sustainability, and Government Regulations Essay

The impact of environmental and government regulations made United Parcel Service (UPS) an innovative company that developed a strategic environmental management system that adheres to the principles of ISO 14001 standard (UPS 2010 sustainability report, 2010). To ensure compliance with regulations in the various countries and the United States, UPS has region environmental mangers and district environmental coordinators within their operations. The managers have access to training programs that include but not limited to water and air quality, transportation environmental, hazardous waste management and underground storage tanks (UPS 2010 sustainability report, 2010). UPS was a member of the U.S. Environmental Protections Agency’s (EPA) SmartWay program that was discontinue in 2010. UPS joined EPA’s Climate Leaders program that advocated companies developing comprehensives strategies pertaining to ensuring safeguarding the climate, this program ended in September 2011 (UPS 2010 sustainability report, 2010). In 2010, UPS achieve a 6.1 % emissions index reduction that exceeded the EPA Climate Leader goals (UPS 2010 sustainability report, 2010). The company introduced the Eco responsible Packaging Program that uses cube optimization, meaning that packaging is only as large as it needs to be for shipping, the materials for packaging are environmentally friendly. The carbon neutral shipping expanded to 36 other countries (UPS 2010 sustainability report, 2010). This program using carbon offsets reduces the carbon emissions associated with shipping reducing UPS carbon impact. UPS begin facing the possibility of the depletion of scarce resources before most companies. As early as 1935, UPS begin to use alternative-fuel vehicles for transporting to the many various points across our nation. The 1,900 alternative fuel and technological advanced vehicles today are a small part of a long-run plan to protect the resources of the future (UPS 2010 sustainability report, 2010). UPS continues to find alternatives to developing ways in reducing their carbon imprint and preserving our natural resources. Air transportation leaves the bigger carbon imprint using a transportation index UPS continue to pursue strategies in that area for carbon avoidance which focus on a decarbonization synergy strategy to reducing air fleet emissions (UPS 2010 sustainability report, 2010). This involve in the long-term fuel efficiency aircraft and using biofuels. UPS continues to analyze water usage and consumption in their foreign hubs, using the global water tool of the  World Business council for Sustainable Development, maintain a low water use (UPS 2010 sustainability report, 2010). UPS reduce their water consumption by 1 percent from the 2009 level (UPS 2010 sustainability report, 2010). Some of the ways UPS was able to do this was by only washing their vehicle when needed, dry washing their airplanes and use environmental friendly washing agent that reduces the need to ri nse. When UPS facilities expanded low-flow water fixtures was included in the design of the newer facilities in different countries and older facilities upgraded to include the fixtures (UPS 2010 sustainability report, 2010). An example of this is their LEED design headquarters that won gold status certification and an energy star stamp for energy efficiency (French, 2012). Their headquarters built in a forest that use 35 acres and left the rest of the forest surrounding the building including a preserved natural brook (French, 2012). As the building ages, upgrades continue to meet and adhere to the challenges of being a green building. UPS continues to be on the cutting edge as a company invested in preserving resources and developing an alternative, so that in the end the next generation has a chance at life. Being innovative in sustainability benefits the company in a strong demand for their services and products. The environment benefits from the reduction in carbon emissions by using variety of transportation for shipping it ensures the lowest combination of carbon impact and UPS meets the needs of their customers (UPS 2010 sustainability report, 2010). UPS needs to continue to be proactive, innovative and continuing to developing as a sustainable company. In continuing to be innovative, they are also a profitable company because customers see them as an environmentally active company that is trying to reduce their impact on the environment by leaving a better way of doing business. This show that companies can still make a profit and take care of the environment as a sustainable partner with the world. UPS embodies corporate citizenship in their leadership in redefining the transportation options for air and ground that can be a model for future business in how to protect and preserve the environment. The advance and innovative facilities built and upgraded in the various countries is another sign of their corporate citizenship. UPS worked in two of EPA’s program, which add to their knowledge, and analysis of how to develop and reduce their carbon imprint, reduce their emissions and lowered their water  consumptions to name a few. UPS operates the largest private alternative fuel fleet in the air and freight industry and continues to grow in this area as they continue to use their vehicles as laboratories in experimenting with new technologies and advancements in fuels (UPS 2010 sustainability report, 2010). The eco-friendly packaging that UPS uses includes recycled fiber envelopes and boxes that eliminated bleached paper (UPS 2010 sustainability report, 2010). In following their own instincts and guidelines, UPS has become the model for other corporations to follow in maintain a responsible, sustainable relationship in the many communities that they operate in around the world. References French, M. (2012, January 01). [Web log message]. Retrieved February 5, 2012 from http://blog.ups.com/2012/01/10/leed-a-building-to-water-and-it-wont-drink-as-much UPS 2010 sustainability report. (2010). Retrieved January 27, 2012 from http://www.investors.ups.com/phoenix.zhtml?c=62900&p=irol-irhome

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Changes in Prisons

Changes in Prisons BY Logrolling Changes in Prison The American Correction system has been in existence for over 130 years. It has been since the meeting of American Prison Congress on 1870 in Cincinnati, Ohio. (Allen, Latest & Ponder, 2013, p 30-31) The reformation was totally encompassing the inmate's life in prison. The minds that met in 1870 were ahead of their times. With having put accountability and standards in the prison system created an improvement for the prisoner and the term he/she served. The beginnings were in Philadelphia at the Old Stone Jails on Third and Market Streets.Its purpose was to hold debtors, and others awaiting trial. It has come a long way from the origins of the first Jails of the American Revolutionary however faltering in different fashions. The Jails were inadequate facilities. Inmates were lumped together male and female. A new Jail was erected in Walnut Street. This new Jail became the first state prison in Pennsylvania. The state prison had creat ed separate cells for the various inmates. It also instilled different punishment in accordance with the crime.Walnut Street prison had implemented new workshops to educated prisoners with useful employment. Nonstop, Ph. D. , 2012) Walnut Street prison set up was the ideal make up for the moment. The state prison was the foundation for many more prisons to be built in the same fashion. Because of the rapidly growing population, a new Jail was begun in 1773 on Walnut Street, behind the State House (later, Independence Hall). The new prison had the traditional layout of large rooms for the inmates. Initially, conditions were little better than they had been at the old Jail.Prisoners awaiting trial might barter their clothes for liquor or be forcibly stripped upon entering by other inmates seeking funds for the bar. The result was great suffering when the weather turned cold. One estimate stated that 20 gallons of spirits were brought into the prison daily by the Jailer for sale to the inmates. It was also considered a common practice for certain women to arrange to get arrested to gain access to the male prisoners. After the peace of 1783, a group of prominent citizens led by Benjamin Franklin, Benjamin Rush and others organized a movement to reform the harsh penal code of 1718.The new law substituted public labor for the previous severe punishments. Members of the Society were shocked by what they learned about the new Walnut Street prison. The next year they presented to the state legislature an explanation of their investigations of the conditions. They recommended solitary confinement at hard labor as a remedy and reformative strategy. An act of 1790 brought about sweeping reforms in the prison and authorized a penitentiary house with 16 cells to be built in the yard of the Jail to carry out solitary confinement with labor for â€Å"hardened atrocious offenders. Walnut Street Jail, by the same legislation, became the first state prison in Pennsylvania. Foll owing 1790, the Walnut Street Jail became a showplace, with separation of different sorts of prisoners and workshops providing useful trade instruction. The old abuses and idleness seemed eliminated, but with Walnut Street now a state prison and the population of Philadelphia increasing rapidly, it, like its previous Jail, became unbearably crowded. The large rooms, 18 feet square, which still housed most of the prisoners, by 1795, had between 30 and 40 occupants each.The Prison Society continued to urge the creation of large penitentiaries for the more efficient handling of prisoners. The reformers also remained convinced that in spite of the small-scale isolation cellulose at Walnut Street, that site would never prove the value of the system of separate incarceration which came to be called the Pennsylvania System. Only an entire larger structure, built specifically to separate inmates from one another, would be needed. Legislation was finally passed on March 20, 1821, and eleven commissioners were appointed by the governor.Among them was Samuel Wood, later to be the first warden of the prison. All but three of the building commissioners were either members of the Pennsylvania Prison Society or had revered on the board of inspectors of the Walnut Street Jail. Members of the Prison Society felt that the solution to the disorder and corruption in most prisons and even at the Walnut Street Jail lay in complete separation of each inmate for his or her entire sentence, a system which had been tried occasionally in England but was always abandoned because of costs and inadequate prison structures.The small â€Å"penitentiary house† of 16 cells at Walnut Street Jail had ended up being used mostly for hard core prisoners and as punishment for infractions of prison rules. What was deed was a solely new kind of prison on a large scale. In 1822, work began on what was to become Eastern State Penitentiary, although at the time it was called Cherry Hill because it moved a cherry orchard. Despite not being finished, the prison opened in 1829.Completed in 1836, it turned out to be one of the largest structures in the country at the time and was higher than preliminary cost estimates. Each prisoner was to be provided with a cell from which they would rarely leave and each cell had to be large enough to be a workplace and have attached a small individual exercise yard. Cutting edge technology of the asses and asses was used to install conveniences unmatched in other public buildings: central heating (before the U. S.Capitol); a flush toilet in each cell (long before the White House was provided with such conveniences); shower baths (apparently the first in the country). The system of 24-hour separation of each prisoner coupled with in-cell feeding, work and sometimes vocational instruction, came to be known as the Pennsylvania System or Separate System, and remained the official position of the Pennsylvania Prison Society throughout the 19th cen tury, although the system and its unusual architecture -? a central hub and baking celluloses -? were seldom imitated in other states.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Job Analysis & Design in the Organization Essay

Job Analysis & Design in the Organization - Essay Example 6. Promoting the organization as an employer of choice. Employee Interaction: 1. Supervision of the activities of all staff members in the Human Resources Area. 2. Determining the number and type of positions that need to be created and filled in the HR Department, as well as judging the competencies of the staff and placing them accordingly. 3. Creating and setting up the overall structure of the HR Department with its divisions into Recruitment, Compensation and Benefits, Payroll & Accounting, Training and Development and Legal Counsel. 4. Having knowledge of what each HR staff member is doing, his or her responsibility areas and assigning duties and goals to each area and each employee through his or her reporting authority. Management Responsibilities: 1. To see that the HR Department is working as a cohesive unit and meeting its generally accepted responsibilities. 2. To look after the Administrative functions that invariably form a part of HR duties and responsibilities. 3. To act in compliance with company guidelines on good corporate governance and ethical behavior. 4. To guarantee and ensure employee confidentiality of events reported, as and when required. 5. To act as the custodian of HR policies and procedures, preparation and updating of the HR Manual and communicating all revised policies throughout the organization with the approval of the CEO/CFO or other relevant Head of Departments. 6. To liaise with Payroll, Accounting, and Administration staff to see that salaries, bonuses, increments and deductions are made on a timely basis and in accordance with legal and tax guidelines. 7. To take disciplinary action where and when required, in conformity with organizational policy and management directives, involving legal counsel as needed. 8. To participate in salary surveys within the industry, incorporating these into increment and bonus packages for employees. 9. To take employee satisfaction surveys and monitor employee morale. 10. To create a suc cession plan for key management staff and keep senior management informed of staff turnover at all levels. Qualifications: Bachelors or Masters in Psychology, Human Relations or Organizational Development. Experience of at least 10 years in handling Human Resources or Administration related functions- with at least 5 years in a middle to a senior management position. Must have completed the requirements of the CIPD and SHRM and be a member of these organizations. Working Conditions: 1. Must be a confident and competent individual, a self-starter willing and able to work without supervision, both individually and as part of a team. 2. Must be able to create, organize and manage a team of competent HR professionals that hold value for the organization. 3. Must be able to work long hours when required, with considerable human interaction at all levels within the organization. Work Schedules: The position is normally a 9 to 5 job; however being a management position, the working hours c an be extended from time to time as necessary in order to perform the requirements of the job. Management positions do not attract overtime.  

Thursday, September 26, 2019

4 Ps (pace, price, promotion, production) analysis Research Paper

4 Ps (pace, price, promotion, production) analysis - Research Paper Example Remember, a wrong approximation of just one aspect can cost the company dearly. Pricing: Different people have different purchasing powers; while some are low income earners, others have high income and their spending is also high. All these customers have one thing in common; they get to determine the price of a commodity being charged based on their perceived value. Therefore, any business should consider the purchasing powers of the people it sells to in the society. McDonald’s China took the opportunity of using the tier pricing model as of 2007, to sell its products at a range of prices (adjusted to consumer index and income level among other costs in the partitioned areas) to its potential consumers, who had varying purchasing powers (Ko, 4). The price given for a commodity should also be considered; it is not always that lowering prices could generate profits. In fact, some consumers could feel as if the quality is being compromised. Again, high prices could push consumers to other alternative solutions. By 2008, McDonald China among other fast foo d companies had raised products costs to cover for the material costs harmoniously (Ko 4). The strategy was reasonable since it was done in union; hence no company was getting a competitive advantage over the other. Deciding on a product price should consider competitors price among other factors. Similarly, pricing should make room for customer discounts, especially while targeting a specific market. According to Ko, McDonald employed the plan by offering coupons to customers who shopped for their products online via Taobao. Com, as an encouragement to place food orders online (3). Product: The creation of the product is always under scrutiny from the consumer’s side; before being produced, the consumers’ preference and needs should be researched. Each age, group, or culture could want something different from the other, and it has to be considered. While others want their cultures to be incorporated, others want a totally different feel. At one point McDonald’s fantastic rice burger was not appealing to mainland Chinese consumers, even if the rice wa s their staple food (Ko 3). Assuming they had ventured fully without the test, it could have cost them heavily. Unlike KFC, McDonald and Burger King had experienced low returns initially, because their products were made of beef instead of chicken, which was well accepted and suited to the Chinese (Ko 9). With time the wants or preferences change, and the company has to adjust with the changes. Today, some Chinese prefer alternative food instead of their locals, hence McDonald use the opportunity to create and offer the western brand , for example beef burgers alongside chicken burgers, hence giving the people a choice. The product name (such as McDonald), trademark, and the unique brand have to differentiate it from the competitors and market itself within the society. Another important factor is the packaging for consumer familiarity, quantity, and quality to be worth the price. Promotion: It covers all types of the marketing communication, from TVs, Radio, internet, shows, poster s, and the press to conduct advertisements. Most of this advertising comes with a cost for airing the information to the society, but there are other cheaper modes of marketing communication. One basic, though expensive strategy that McDonald Company did upon entry in China was to seek a partnership through joint ventures with local

Western civilization and western culture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Western civilization and western culture - Essay Example Western Civilization and Western Culture have many examples of fascinating masterpieces,and these masterpieces were created by famous and significant people or were made under their rule.It is possible to compose a list of 100 Most Important or Most Interesting Individuals in Western Culture The aim of this paper is to underline great significance and importance of this person and his actions for Western Civilization and Western Culture and explain why Charlemagne should be included in the list of 100 Most Important or Most Interesting Individuals in Western Culture.Charlemagne became an Emperor of the Romans in A.D.800, but before his coronation as an emperor he had created a vast empire in the West, and the territory of his empire included the Western part of the old Roman Empire and some new territories. Under Charlemagne's rule Western Europe made a transition from antique Hellenistic and Roman culture to medieval culture. His rule united three main types of culture and life patt ern of that time: "His reign was based on harmony which developed between three elements: the Roman past, the Germanic way of life, and Christianity. Charlemagne devoted his entire reign to blending these three elements into one kingdom (Kreis, 2000)". So, his rule was based on interaction of three main cultures of his time, and this interaction became one of numerous merits of Charles the Great. He created a strong cultural fundament of his Empire, and this fundament resulted in such important cultural phenomenon of medieval history as Carolingian Renaissance which began in Charlemagne's epoch. One of the most tremendous cultural achievements of Charlemagne was literacy and knowledge revival in Frankish state. In that time there were a few people who could read, even among monks who were concerned the most literary men in the Empire. There were no official standards of writing, and there were many different errors in books of that time. For changing the situation Charlemagne invited Alcuin who was one of the most educated persons in Europe. Under Charlemagne's rule Alcuin founded the basics of education system in Frankish Empire which became widely spread in Europe for centuries: "Here we find the origins of the seven liberal arts: the trivium comprised grammar (how to write), rhetoric (how to speak) and logic (how to think) while the quadrivium was made up of the mathematical arts, geometry, arithmetic, astronomy and music (Kreis, 2000)". Under Alcuin's leadership Palace School in Aachen (the capital of Frankish Empire) was founded. The Palace School developed interest for philosophy, literature and other spheres of education. In addition to that in Charlemagne time Latin language became the status of official language of the Church - this unification played a great role in medieval history. The writing style was improved, and now it became easier for people to read religious texts. Clergymen were the most educated people in that time, so churches became centers of education and culture. Education became more accessible for many people. In his adulthood Charlemagne learnt to read Latin and Greek and encouraged education. So, Charlemagne contributed much in culture and education of Frankish Empire and medieval world in general. Charlemagne also contributed much in Western Catholic Church rites. Under his rule liturgical rite and music were greatly reformed: "Using the liturgical rite of St. Gregory the Great and the chant form of the Church of Rome as the basis, Charlemagne undertook to create a liturgical and musical standard for his recently founded Holy Roman Empire (Western Catholic Liturgics)". This reform led to unification and standardization of Catholic rites and made Charlemagne one of the leading Christian emperors in medieval history. As was mentioned above, Charlemagne unified Latin as the official language of Catholic Church; he restored Holy Roman Empir

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Interpretation of Regression Results Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Interpretation of Regression Results - Essay Example For the hypothesis to be true, the signs of the coefficients are expected to be positive. The positive coefficient signs would indicate the positive relationship between the independent variables (temperature, humidity, wind and dummy variables) and the dependent variable (bundled load). Coefficients: The signs of all coefficients of variables are positive whereas, that of intercept is negative. The negative value of coefficient of intercept means that the regression line intersects with Y-axis below zero. The positive signs and significant values of coefficients reflect a positive relation between the dependent and independent variables. The value of coefficient of temperature is 47.64. It means that if temperature or x1 variable increases by 1 degree Fahrenheit, the bundled load will increase by 47.64 Megawatt/hour provided all other variables are constant. If humidity increases by 1 percent, the bundled load will increase by 11.52 Megawatt/hour. Similarly, if wind speed increases by 1 mph, the bundled load will increase by 10.15 Megawatt/hour. Moreover, the coefficient of dummy1 is zero, showing no relation between the dummy1 and bundled load whereas; the coefficient of dummy2 is 49.73, showing a positive relation between dummy2 and bundled load. The standard error shows the amount of variability of the data points around the regression line and in this regression analysis, the standard errors for all the variables is very small. The small values of the standard errors show that the data points are closely distributed around the regression line. The value of p is greater than 0.05 for three independent variables including temperature, humidity and wind speed. However, for the dummy1, it is zero and for dummy2, it is less than 0.05. If the p-values for all the variables would have been equal or less than 0.0, then the null

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Motivation Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Motivation Plan - Essay Example Each of the employee were asked to fill the two forms i.e. Employee Passion Survey and Team Alignment Survey. Both of the forms allowed the team responsible for motivating employees, the factors they are important for motivating them and they are shown in the table. Some research was done to identify the most effective strategies for motivating the employees and the most effective and easily implemented motivational strategies for different kinds of employees are deduced from the researches of Shanks (2011) and Ukandu and Ukpere (2011). The details of the motivational strategy for each employee alongwith the Action plan are detailed in the table. Team Member Name Summary of Individual Characteristics Motivational Strategy and Action Plan Relevant Theory Employee X Self-motivated and satisfied with the job Understands and handles all the responsibilities very well Demonstrates potential of handling critical tasks Well-organized and enjoys his work Performance can be improved when more critical tasks are assigned Since the employee is self-motivated, the supervisor will have to develop the leadership skills in him. The supervisor will have to arrange a meeting with him, discuss his positive qualities and then recommend him areas of improvement. The employee must be given feedback about his performance so that he knows how he is performing in the organization. Once the employee will see that he can handle additional responsibilities and that supervisor trusts him, then he must rewarded for his additional contribution. The team will have to ensure that the employees are rewarded for improved performance and also for performing critical tasks efficiently. The supervisor must give feedback to his employee after reviewing his performance after completion of the project. When the employee will feel that his work is being appreciated, he will be willing to make more valuable contribution and will be more satisfied with his job. Two theories can be applied for Employee X : 1. Herzberg’s Two Factor Theory 2. Mc Gregor’s Theory X and Y Employee Y Proper instructions alongwith guidelines need to be given Multiple tasks are difficult to manage Communication is difficult for the employee as he gets easily distracted Lack of self-confidence leads to inability of multiple tasking Gets emotional quickly and does not think logically The manager of employee Y will have to first work with his employee to understand why he is lacking confidence. The survey revealed that he found himself to be less competent. Hence, the manager will have to act as a role model for him and will develop his confidence in him. The emotional element of the employee needs to be controlled and it will be done solely by sending him on the workshop in which he should be trained about controlling his emotions and not letting it impact on his work. Once the employee is able to control his emotions and not get distracted while performing his tasks, then he will be able to han dle multiple tasks without stress and he will start feeling motivated and satisfied with his job. Hence, the manager will have to prepare him to handle tougher tasks and control his emotions to a greater extent. The manager should review the performance during and at the end of the project and acknowledge when he performs well. The appreciation should also be shown in the form of some reward that is of value to him. Theory that can be implemented for Employee Y is McClelland’

Monday, September 23, 2019

Contemporary Issues in Business (Individual Report) Essay

Contemporary Issues in Business (Individual Report) - Essay Example Over long periods of geological time, the earth’s climate has been constantly changing in response to the tilt and shape of the earth’s orbit as it moves around the sun, the strength and intensity of the sun coupled with the composition of the earth’s atmosphere, the basic shape and position of the continents. There has been strong evidence that some human activities such as the use of fossil fuels are responsible for the constant emission of harmful greenhouse gases that are now causing an increase in the earths temperate in addition to other changes in climate (Richter 2010). Greenhouse emissions are currently projected to increase significantly within the next few decades which will cause an increase in global temperatures and subsequently put to great risk the human society and natural environment worldwide (Pedersen and Nordic Council of Ministers 2000). Climate Change and the Greenhouse Effect The temperature on the surface of the earth is largely determine d by the balance between the energy that is constantly re-radiated to space from the earth mostly in the form of infra-red radiation and the energy that comes from the sun which is seen to be in the form of visible radiation (sunlight). When the sunlight passes through the earth’s atmosphere, it has relatively very little warming effect but when it finally manages to come into contact with the earth’s surface, it warms it and the earth in turn warms the atmosphere by both convection and via emission of infra-red radiation which are absorbed by the greenhouse gases (R.I.C. Publications 2007). The greenhouse gases eventually return some of the infra-red radiation back to the earth’s surface which ends up further warming the earth’s surface. An analogy of this chain of events is often made with reference to greenhouses which generally allow sunshine to pass through their clear plastic or glass which in turns stop the heat that is inside the green house from escaping into the atmosphere and hence the use of the term â€Å"greenhouse effect† (R.I.C. Publications 2007). Fossil Fuels and the change in Climate System Fossil fuels are formed when the bodies of living organisms die and remain compressed and heated over extremely long periods of time to form natural gases, oil and coal. When burned, fossil fuels are seen to produce significant amounts of energy a factor which causes them to be considered as an extremely valuable energy source. However, the burning of these fossil fuels produces the emission of carbon dioxide, resulting in the introduction into the carbon cycle of carbon that would have otherwise still remained trapped in the earth’s geosphere (Downie, Brash and Vaughan 2009). It is currently estimated that the burning of fossil fuels is responsible for adding to the atmosphere an estimated 3.2 billion metric tons of carbon. Because the earth’s carbon cycle is unable to absorb all of this excess carbon bein g released into the atmospher

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Dead Poet Society Essay Example for Free

Dead Poet Society Essay Is living a crime? Is choice unacceptable? Is suicide typical? Reading this is so simple but going through it is much harder than we think. Forgetting your best friend who suicided, having your close relative killed and been alone was Charlie’s life. â€Å"The perk of being a wallflower† directed by Stephen Chbosky is an astonishing film which involves youngster entering the world of adulthood. Beginning a new year of high school here Charlie finally befriends Sam and Patrick and through this we explore the themes of self-realisation and loneliness. Self-realisation and loneliness is conveyed in both films; Directed by Peter Weir Dead Poet society is a story of a teacher called Mr Keating who makes his students releases the ability they have in them. The film â€Å"Perk of being a wallflower† definitely reinforces the themes in â€Å"Dead poet Society†. Loneliness is deeply attached and expressed early in Charlie’s life. It is shown by him not participating in any class activities. The camera angel that supports this statement is an eye-level shot where Charlie is sitting in class backed down on his chair. This symbolises that he is too afraid to speak out. The body language is dull with a lower self-esteem. Similarly, in Dead Poet Society Todd a shy and insecure guy who is too afraid to come out of his shell. The camera shot used is close-up where Todd’s facial expression is conveyed by tension and fear. So, therefore both films definitely share a similar theme. â€Å"Things change. And friends leave. Life doesnt stop for anybody. † Being intensely devoted to his past Charlie stopped realising who he really is. Every step he took he remembered the past, and that past has stopped his life in one motion; stress and alone. Fortunately, with help from his friend Sam he realises that life is full of happiness and freedom. The Camera Angle used is Medium shot where Charlie is standing on the truck bed, with his hands open, he learns that he can go on with life without being scared, because he is more than a wallflower. Furthermore, Self-realisation in Dead Poet Society is shown by Todd at the end of the film where he is confident and fearless. He seizes the day by standing on his desk as a symbol of his respect to Mr Keating. The camera Angle used is low angle shot of Todd which makes him look powerful and full of dignity. Confident, happiness and self-realisation taught both Todd and Charlie that life keeps going so. So, therefore, again the perk of being a wallflower has expressed similar themes as Dead poet society. To conclude, both films had similarities and differences but overall the same themes; Themes of self-realisation and loneliness. The perk of being a wallflower and Dead poet society show us lives of teenagers that are sometimes unseen and the way they overcome each obstacle. So, what would you do if you were in this situation? Because in life people like Mr Keating or Sam aren’t always there. So my friends seize the day your own way.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Developing Personal Goals for Career Development

Developing Personal Goals for Career Development Abstract Planning goals is one step towards the development of a career. To achieve a goal, one must plan on how to make this happen. You just dont wake up one day and decide that this is what I want to achieve without first of all considering the ways and means of achieving that and the possible hindrances on the way. It is important to break down your goals because it is through this that that you are setting reasonable goals as well as creating a long term plan. It is also important to make a plan to achieve the goals that you have set. A goal that has been set but does not have a plan remains just that. A goal. That is why people have visions, dreams, ideas and intentions but these never happen because they have not been planned. Goal planning helps when you want to advance your career and a good goal should not necessarily be time bound. One needs to select an area of specialization as a target to your goals. In this case I have chosen Nurse Consultant as my area of specialization. This is the role which I will focus during my masters degree in a nursing program. I have expounded on the areas that I am competent in, and the potential areas that are of interest to me. I have chosen to specialize in nurse consultancy because this is a new field that is not heavily crowded. Hence there is a greater chance of getting employment and if not, I can still employ myself by opening a nurse consultancy. Introduction There is a need for people to set their own goals in life. The first step is usually setting goals that are not too high but which all in all present a challenge. This means that goals must be reasonable, attainable and achievable. One must then develop a plan on how to achieve the set goals because goals with no plans are simply fantasies. Also the goals that one sets must have a challenge. This is because what you have already achieved does not pose a challenge at all. SMAART planning methods are a necessary guide to achieving goals. SMAART goals are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Action Oriented, Results oriented and Time-phased. This means that you should say what you want to achieve clearly and concisely, you should have a unit of measure for your goals hence they should be objective rather than subjective, should be realistic, should be written in an active rather than a passive voice, one should focus on end results and at least one should set a deadline to achieve the stat ed goals. My main goal in life is to be a fully qualified and successful nurse and work with the best institution in the country so as to help all the people regardless of their backgrounds. I plan to achieve this by completing my BSN and then after attaining a MSN. Career goal. My goal in life is to be a senior nurse in the best institutions in this country. I want to be a highly qualified nurse with an MSN.This I want to achieve by obtaining a masters degree from a nursing institution. I am aiming to attain this after completing my BSN which I will this year on June. After this I want to get a good highly paying job at the best institution in this country and it is after this that I will consider myself successful. I am a registered nurse with the National Health Service (NHS). I am currently working two jobs one as a Childrens nurse and the other one as a tutor in a small business college. Professional short term goal My professional short term goals is to better my career by attaining the BSN. When I achieve this, my career will have improved in terms of services that I will offer because I will have improved my scope of knowledge Professional long term goal. My professional long-term goal is to be the head nurse of a National hospital. This I can achieve after attaining my MSN. Personal short term goal My personal short term goal is to work just one job that is well paying because taking two jobs is becoming cumbersome on my part. Personal long term goal I want to earn more money and change my lifestyle want to have a good life and a nice car. I also want to buy a better house in a more posh and safer neighborhood also want to move away from my current home which I have rented and into a new home that I own. Needed skills The skills needed to achieve the goals I have set for myself include personal skills, social skills, and professional skills, educational and thinking skills Personal skills I need Self awareness in order to identify my own needs, attitudes, feelings, strengths and weaknesses in order to achieve my goals. I will also actively identify and utilize a wide range of all the available resources and seek other viewpoints and opinions. I will consider actively the implications of my studies on my daily activities and my job. That is why I have come up with a well developed but dynamic plan. I will consistently motivate myself and assure myself that I can make it no matter what. I will listen to other peoples opinion share with them and ask their support whenever I need it. I will work closely with my colleagues both in campus and at the job. I will make sure that I achieve my MSN so that my long term goals can be achieved. Management of time. I will need to routinely use time well and ensure that I have not wasted any time on unnecessary activities. When I enroll for my masters, I will drop one job so that may concentrate more on my studies. Milestones for achieving the goals. Short term goals After completing my BSN degree. when I start working one well paying job Long-term goals when I become the head nurse of a National hospital When I build my own house. When I move out of my neighborhood into a better high class neighborhood. Hindrances Fear-this is one of the barriers that may prevent me from achieving the goals. This may be fear of not fairing well in my BSN which may inurn inhibit me from enrolling for my MSN. I am also afraid that my application for masters may be declined. I plan to work hard to ensure that such an occurrence will not happen. Unsupportive people-I have many friends and relatives who do not have the level of education that I have. They usually discourage me a lot and tell me to stop harassing myself with books and that I have two jobs. I plan to keep them off and to those that I cannot; I will simply ignore and /or assume them. Conclusion Personal commitment and dedication will be required to achieve the above goals. I will have to work with other people closely to achieve my long term and short term goals. This is because no man is an island. I will avoid negative thinking completely and work on being optimistic and motivated. I must have a strong drive and belief that I will achieve these goals. Though I have not stated a particular deadline, I plan to attain these goals in stages and to finally achieve my long term goals within the next 5years.i will also trust in God and pray unto him to make my plans come into fulfillment. Recommendations A personal goal plan should be realistic and attainable. There is need for each and every person to write up a personal goal plan. This will help one know what he is aiming in life and also what one has achieved so far. Goals may change and therefore one need to critically think what he/she wants in life before listing down the goals. Even after there is a change in goals one should not see him/herself as a failure. In that case, one should write up new goals and aim to achieve them. Change of short term goals does not necessarily mean a change in the long-term goals.   References Chapman, A. (2007). Goal Planning Templates for Personal and Organizational Aims. Retrieved February 09 http://www.businessballs.com/goal_planning.htm Mind tools ltd (2010).Essential Skills For an Excellent Career. Retrieved 09 February http://www.mindtools.com/ Peterson, D. (2008). How To Write SMAART Goals and Objectives. Retrieved February 09 http://adulted.about.com/od/personaldevelopment/ht/smaartgoals.htm Johansen, K. (1996). The Business Focus of HRD Leaders. Paper presented at the 1996 Academy of Human Resource Development Conference held in Minneapolis in February, 1996. Legge, M. Career tools retrieved February 4, 2010 from http://www.coaching-life.co.uk/career/index.html Rouda, H. Kusy, M. (1995) Career Development.Tappi Journal.

Friday, September 20, 2019

James :: essays research papers

A captivating tale of relationship of two troubling brothers in Harlem, "Sonny's Blues" is told from a perspective of Sonny's brother, whose name is never mentioned. Baldwin's choice of Sonny's brother as a narrator is what makes "Sonny's Blues" significant in terms of illustrating the relationship and emotional complications of Sonny and his brother. The significance of "Sonny's Blues" lies in the way Sonny's brother describes the relationship based on what he observes, hears, and feels, and how he struggles trying to understand Sonny through the course of the story. As Sonny's brother, he gets to be physically and mentally as close to Sonny as anyone else can. Readers get to know that Sonny's brother is a fairly reliable narrator from the fact that he is an algebra teacher and far less abused by "horse" or "the low ceiling of their actual possibilities" than the kids around the neighborhood, including Sonny. Sonny's brother is aware of what is going on between Sonny and him and accurately describes the relationship, "The seven years' difference in our ages lay between us like a chasm: I wondered if these years would ever operate between us as a bridge." (44) The "chasm" is where the story begins, and revolves around the entire story. Sonny's brother is aware of the "chasm," yet what Sonny is thinking remains mysterious since the narrator himself does not know. His narration allows readers to keep wondering and exploring flaky and "dreamlike" mind of Sonny. Sonny's brother stands as a major character and also as a first person narrator, meaning that he is a participant in the action. Baldwin achieves the sense of vividness by placing the narrator right in the middle of the action. "I started down the steps, whistling to keep from crying, I kept whistling to myself, You going to need me, baby, one of these cold, rainy days." (54) After an awful fight, Sonny's brother is disappointed at Sonny and himself. His whistling vividly conveys his struggle, despair and also love for his brother, allowing readers to get into his feeling. Dialogue is effectively used from Sonny's brother's point of view to convey how misunderstanding of two brothers gets built up. In the middle of a long conversation, Sonny's brother notes, "I simply couldn't see why on earth he'd want to spend his time hanging around nightclubs, clowning around on bandstands, while people pushed each other around a dance floor.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Conditions that Influenced Sino-Soviet Involvement in the Vietnam War :: Vietnam War Essays

Conditions that Influenced Sino-Soviet involvement in the Vietnam War In 1954 the Communists in North Vietnam reached a turning point in their history. The French defeat at Dien Bien Phu was a turning point in the history of this country. Free from the oppression of foreign countries the Communists of the DRV were freed to turn their attention to the task at hand; the infiltration and subjugation of South Vietnam. The influence that both China and the Soviet Union had on this fledgling government was substantial. Without the necessary material, logistics, and support the Communist victory in South Vietnam would never have come about. This paper looks to examine the motives that both the Chinese and Soviets had in their commitment to supporting the DRV in the Vietnam War. In dealing with the motives of both China and the Soviet Union it is also important to keep in mind the conditions of the world in this time period, 1950-1975. Both foreseen and unforeseen events would alter the respective policies of each country. In observing these events, this paper will take a chronological prose; history will be dealt with as it was made. In this style of analysis it is possible to shed some light on a seemingly confusing array of foreign policy's that even till today are hard to rationalize. China and the Soviet Union altered their obligation and support levels to North Vietnam according their policies and the history that those decisions produced. The United States will provide a backdrop to the Sino-Soviet involvement in Vietnam. This will provide insight into the relative positions that China and the Soviet Union took in North Vietnam. To both of these countries the United States represented 'the other side'. This is to say that the ideologies of both socialist countries depicted America as the opponent. In ideology this is true; capitalism was the precursor to a more egalitarian socialist society. This was to prove more so for the Chinese Communists, but that will be explained later. It is safe to say that both countries were able to rationalize their actions by telling the world they were defending one of their 'brothers' from an imperialist power. When making reference to the United States as the 'other side' it is crucial to remember that this analogy is only relative to the shifting relationship that each country would experience with the U.S. as the Vietnam War escalated.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The Assassination Of John F. Kennedy Essay examples -- essays research

In January of 1960, a young man by the name of John F. Kennedy was sworn in to uphold the office of President of the United States of America. He was assassinated on November 22, 1963, when he was only 46 years old. There is lots of speculation about the way he died. Here are just a few questions concerning his death. Who or how many people were involved in President John F. Kennedy’s assassination? This is a question that has baffled many people for 33 years. Some of the main questions are: Was Lee Harvey Oswald the lone assassin? This question may never be answered. Is there a possibility that there could have been another rifleman? What is the minimum time to get three shots off with the Mannlicher Carcano bolt action rifle? Why did Jack Ruby shoot Oswald? Was he trying to protect himself or show loyalty to his President? Did Fidel Castro have President Kennedy assassinated? Were the CIA and FBI involved? What about the â€Å"mob†; did they have any logical reason to kill the President? What is the story on the â€Å"superbullet†? How can one assassin shoot three shots at a man in a limousine going 11.2 mph under five seconds? Among the most crucial questions to be considered in determining the identity of the President’s assassin are the number of shots fired in the course of the assassination, the time elapsed between shots, and the location of the site or sites where the shots were fired. A great deal of evidence rides on these questions: the number of wounds, the path of the bullets causing each wound, the position of the rifle believed to have fired the recovered bullet and its fragments, the position and number of empty cartridge cases believed to have been fired, and visual observations by bystanders. In addition, a mass of evidence has been collected from the people that witnessed the shooting. I will try to explain or figure out what went on during the 22 of November in 1963.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  There are many theories on the assassination of JFK. The first theory is that Robert Kennedy, the brother of John and also the attorney general at this time dated a known mobsters’ girlfriend, and Robert also tried to get one of the biggest court cases in the history of the U.S. put upon the mob. In order to get back at him, they killed his brother. Later, they killed him when he was going to run for President. There is some more evidence that the mob ... ...mes. I think that the CIA was mad at President Kennedy for not helping them out at the Bay of Pigs, so they managed to convince Oswald that they would give him lots of money to kill the President. When they hired Oswald, they had one of their own men on the grassy knoll to shoot Oswald after he shot President Kennedy, then the CIA’s man would kill Kennedy. This supports the theory of why the people heard a shot over the fence at the grassy knoll. Another things that supports my theory is that they never found the third bullet. When the man behind the fence did not do his job, they sent Jack Ruby to finish what they started. They had to quiet Oswald or he was going to talk and tell who was really behind it. Who was really behind it? This is a question that the world will never know the real answer to. This concludes my theory on how President John F. Kennedy was assassinated. Works Cited Accessories After the Fact. U.S. Government Printing Office, 1964. North, Mark. Act of Treason. New York: Carroll & Graf Publishers, 1991. Posner, Gary. Case Closed. New York: Random House, 1993. Scott, Peter Dale. Deep Politics and the Death of JFK. University of California Press, 1993.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Interagency disaster management Essay

Introduction: A disaster can be defined as a serious disruption of the functioning of a society, causing widespread human, material, or environmental losses which exceed the ability of affected society to copy using only its own resources. Disasters are often classified according to their speed of onset (sudden or slow), or according to their cause (natural or man-made). Recent disasters like Hurricane Katrina have exposed the vulnerability of the nation in times of disaster and this has lead to discussions on disaster management. Natural disasters such as hurricanes, earthquakes, tornadoes, floods, ice storms, severe weather, and wildfires can strike any time. They can build over days or weeks, or strike suddenly without warning. Throughout history, people in various parts of the world have suffered due to the unpredictability of natural disasters. Some disasters can be predicted such as floods in valleys, droughts in areas of low rainfall and oil spills in shipping lanes. There can also be manmade unpredictable disasters such as bioterrorism that involves the use of chemical, biological and nuclear weapons. Disaster Management: Disasters are inevitable but the destructive impact of disasters can be substantially reduced by adequate preparation, early warning, and swift, decisive responses. Disaster Management encompasses all aspects of planning for and responding to disasters. It applies to management of both risks and consequences of disasters. However, disasters need to be declared to secure the release of government resources for intervention. Government through its various agencies plays a huge role in such prevention and mitigation. This is done through legislation, through resource allocation and through rational planning and sustainable development. State and local governments are closest to those affected by natural disasters, and have always been the lead in response and recovery. The federal government acts in a supporting role, providing assistance, logistical support, and certain supplies. Local government is responsible for providing for the safety and security of citizens in advance of a hurricane. That means they are in charge of developing emergency plans, determining evacuation routes, providing public transportation for those who can’t self-evacuate, and setting up and stocking local shelters with relief supplies. State government is responsible for mobilizing the National Guard, pre-positioning certain assets and supplies, and setting up the state’s emergency management functions. They are also in charge of requesting federal support though the formal disaster declaration process. Federal government is responsible for meeting those requests from the state – before, during and after the disaster. This includes providing logistical support for search and rescue, providing food, water and ice, establishing disaster centers and processing federal disaster claims, and participating in short and long-term public works projects, such as debris removal and infrastructure rebuilding. National Response Plan: The National Response Plan, published on May 25, 2006, by the DHS, provides an all-hazards approach to enhance the ability of the nation to manage domestic disasters. The plan includes best practices and procedures from incident management disciplines—homeland security, emergency management, law enforcement, firefighting, public works, public health, responder and recovery worker health and safety, emergency medical services, and the private sector and integrates them into a unified structure. It forms the basis of how the federal government coordinates with state, local, and tribal governments and the private sector during incidents. The National Response Plan aims to save lives and protect the health and safety of the public, responders, and recovery workers and thereby ensure security of the homeland. The National Response Plan establishes a comprehensive all-hazards approach to enhance the ability of the United States to manage domestic incidents. It forms the basis of how federal departments and agencies will work together and how the federal government will coordinate with state, local, and tribal governments and the private sector during incidents. It establishes protocols to help protect the nation from terrorist attacks and other natural and manmade hazards; save lives; protect public health, safety, property, and the environment; and reduces adverse psychological consequences and disruptions to civilian life. The Plan identifies police, fire, public health and medical, emergency management, and other personnel as responsible for incident management at the local level. The Plan enables incident response to be handled at the lowest possible organizational and jurisdictional level. The Plan ensures the seamless integration of the federal government when an incident exceeds local or state capabilities. There are some new Coordinating Features in the National Response Plan such as: †¢ Homeland Security Operations Center (HSOC): The HSOC serves as the primary national level multi-agency hub for domestic situational awareness and operational coordination. The HSOC also includes DHS components, such as the National Infrastructure Coordinating Center (NICC), which has primary responsibility for coordinating communications with the Nation’s critical infrastructure during an incident. †¢ National Response Coordination Center (NRCC): The NRCC, a functional component of the HSOC, is a multi-agency center that provides overall federal response coordination. †¢ Regional Response Coordination Center (RRCC): At the regional level, the RRCC coordinates regional response efforts and implements local federal program support until a Joint Field Office is established. †¢ Interagency Incident Management Group (IIMG): A tailored group of senior federal interagency experts who provide strategic advice to the Secretary of Homeland Security during an actual or potential Incident of National Significance. †¢ Joint Field Office (JFO): A temporary federal facility established locally to provide a central point to coordinate resources in support of state, local, and tribal authorities. †¢ Principal Federal Official (PFO): A PFO may be designated by the Secretary of Homeland Security during a potential or actual Incident of National Significance. While individual federal officials retain their authorities pertaining to specific aspects of incident management, the PFO works in conjunction with these officials to coordinate overall federal incident management efforts. The Department of Homeland Security/Emergency Preparedness and Response (EP&R)/Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), in close coordination with the DHS Office of the Secretary, will maintain the National Response Plan. The Plan will be updated to incorporate new Presidential directives, legislative changes, and procedural changes based on lessons learned from exercises and actual events. The Department of Homeland Security: In the event of a terrorist attack, natural disaster or other large-scale emergency, the Department of Homeland Security will assume primary responsibility on March 1st for ensuring that emergency response professionals are prepared for any situation. The department is responsible for providing a coordinated, comprehensive federal response to any large-scale crisis and mounting a swift and effective recovery effort. According to the Homeland Security Act of 2002 the mission of the Department of Homeland security is to prevent terrorist attacks within the United States; reduce the vulnerability of the United States to terrorism; and minimize the damage, and assist in the recovery, from terrorist attacks that do occur within the United States. Biohazards: Biohazards are biological agents or substances that present or may present a hazard to the health or well-being of the worker or the community. Biological agents and substances include infectious and parasitic agents, noninfectious microorganisms, such as some fungi, yeast, algae, plants and plant products, and animals and animal products that cause occupational disease. Generally, biohazards are either infectious microorganisms, toxic biological substances, biological allergens or any combination of the above. Today, biohazards ar also used as weapons of mass destruction in the hands of terrorists – the use of anthrax virus to spread disease, death, fear and panic among the public is a case in point. As such, biohazards not only come under the purview of the CDC (Center for Disease Control and Prevention) but also under Department of Homeland Security.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Georges Trains A Conservative Approach

It will recommend areas of improvement to endure success. Lastly, this paper revised conclusion on the overall capital budgeting analysis Of George's Trains. Key words: working capital, investing conservatively, pitfalls Working Capital Practices of George's Trains George's of George's Trains started his business as a conservative investor. He understood and applied this practice properly; as a low-risk, low-return strategy. As an investor, George understood the two definitions by which to invest conservatively.First, a conservative investment is one that carries the greatest likelihood of preserving the purchasing power of one's capital with the least amount of risk. Second, George knew what a conservative investment was, and then followed the course of action needed to properly determine whether particular investments are indeed conservative investments (Gad, 2014). George did not have the background as an entrepreneur so he needed to have a safety factor to be able to weather mark et storms better than his competitors is.With this, he needs to have a low cost of production (Gad, 2014). When a bad year hits George's Trains, the chance of still churning out a profit or reporting a smaller net loss is achievable. A company that cannot compete by staying abreast of market hanged and trends is doomed in the end. George realized this and moved to expanding his product line outside of a one-man band – trains! Finally, management should possess financial skill (Gad, 2014). George relied on his bank and trending past years as well as utilizing the books from the previous owner.In doing this, George is able to maximize his return on investment capital, and other important components of business success (Gad, 2014). Beware Of Potential Pitfalls George realizes that model trains are seasonal. With that in mind, George orders inventory based on demand and utilizes past reports on trends. When business is slow, he decreases his inventory so he is not tying up his ca pital. When he sells an item, he makes sure that the replacement is ordered before the shelf is empty. This ensure maximum cash flow in his business.Managing working capital is the operational side of budgeting. When businesses put a budget together, they anticipate future cash flow and the timing of that cash flow. This planning is critical, especially in small businesses and practices (Kelly, 2014). Another pitfall that George realized was â€Å"The people Factor† (Moody, 2014). He realized that in order to be successful he added to cultivate his loyal customer's that used to come to his home business, as well as building a broader base.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Benjamin Franklin and Frederick Douglass as self-made men Essay

‘Autobiography’ of Benjamin Franklin states that apart from being one of the founding fathers of United States, he was a philosopher, scientist, inventor, a leading writer, publisher and a diplomat too. A person with so many specialties in his personality is rarely seen and when we read the whole book, which has 14 chapters, we come to know that Benjamin Franklin was completely a self-made man. He gained expertise in each field he worked because he did everything in his life with all his interest. Benjamin gives a good description of his life in Philadelphia and his keen interest in literature and hilosophy in this book. He also had interest in religion prevailing in America during colonial and revolutionary period. He wrote the first five chapters of the book in England in 1771 and after 13 years i. e. , probably in 1884-85 he continued it when he was in Paris. Later when he returned to US in 1788, he completed the book giving the account of his life till he is 57 years old i. e. , till 1757. One year after Benjamin Franklin’s death, in March 1791, his autobiography was published in Paris. Benjamin was born in Boston in 1706 as his father’s 15th child out of 17. When he was a chool going child he wanted to become a minister but later he dropped this idea as he had great interest in reading and writing. For the first few years, Benjamin apprenticed his brother but soon moved to Philadelphia and worked there for some time. While staying in Philadelphia, Franklin made friends with well-known political figures and then moved to England. Here he stayed for 18 months with James Ralph who was a good friend of his but later he estranged with him. Then in 1726 he returned to America where he started a debating club in a very short time and called it the Junto. After two years, with the help of tools and knowledge gained in England, he turned ‘The Pennsylvania Gazette’ into a flourishing publication after taking it over from Keimer. In 1730 Benjamin married his beloved, Deborah Read and had two children. Franklin did printing work for the government holding small positions during 1730s. Later he became postmaster of Philadelphia and also started Poor Richard’s Almanac. He invented Franklin stove by the end of 1730s. 1740s saw him working on various projects like fire brigade, police force, university of Philadelphia and even public works like street weeping service too. After retiring from printing business in 1748 he conducted various scientific researches on lightning. He was honored with degrees from Harvard and Yale in 1753 and he turned out to be the Postmaster General of America. Next year saw war breaking out between England and France and he participated in the war by drafting proposals that helped bring funds for the war. However the ‘Autobiography’ is left unfinished and is written only up to 1757. The first chapter of his ‘Autobiography’ is addressed to his first son, William Franklin who was born nearly one year after his marriage. He writes, Dear son: I have ever had pleasure in obtaining any little anecdotes of my ancestors. You may remember the enquiries I made among the remains of my relations when you were with me in England, and the journey I undertook for that purpose. (The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin, Chapter one, Lines 1-3) First chapter includes his present work and the reasons behind choosing it, some description of his ancestors’, about his early life and his attachment towards reading books. In chapter six, Benjamin mentions a lot of such incidents that made him decide to be simply honest in his dealings in life. The philosophical lines in chapter six are, I grew convinc’d that truth, sincerity and integrity in dealings between man and man were of the utmost importance to the felicity of life; and I form’d written resolutions. Which still remain in my journal book, to practice them ever while I lived. (The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin, Chapter six, Paragraph 21, Lines 1-2) Thus we find that Benjamin Franklin worked on lot of projects and expertised his knowledge in various field with the help of his own experiences of life. He met various people and read variety of books too, which further helped him develop a sense of esponsibility and duty as well also morality and self-improvement. â€Å"Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, An American Slave† is a book with eleven chapters that gives us the picture of Douglass’s life as a slave and how keen he was to become a free man. His book has played quite an influential role during the ‘abolition movement’ of early nineteenth century in United States. The first chapter starts with the information that Douglass is unaware of his date of birth and seems sad about this fact. Then he explains that he lost his mother when he was only seven-year-old but he was taken far away from his mother even before that. He had no idea about who was his father but according to most people he must have been the son of his owner who was a white man. The first time when Douglass could see the brutal side of slavery was when he saw his Aunt Hester being whipped. The following two three chapters describe the life of slaves of that time and how they were treated along with farms’ structure also. A very important and mentionable point here is the description of the singing of the slaves and this makes the reader have a good deal of admiration for Douglass as he knows far better that slaves are forced to do everything. Douglass mentions incidents of extreme brutality with slaves even if they spoke truth. He also makes the reader aware of how slaves were taught to behave in front of their owners. In chapter five he starts with life in Baltimore as he was taken there and also mentions that had he not been taken to Baltimore, he would have been slave for the rest of his life without having the feeling of making himself free. Here he started to feel that he could also have better hopes for future and mentions his new mistress, Mrs. Auld as a very kind woman initially but in due course of time turned malicious. Douglass learned to spell small words and read a little bit from Mrs. Auld and he tried to develop his new skill whenever he found time and opportunity. The following two chapters describe his life in Baltimore and how he learns to read and write for himself and the sufferings due to this skill for him. In chapter six he mentions the difference in the treatments of a city slave and rural slave. He writes, I had resided but a short time in Baltimore before I observed a marked difference, in the treatment of slaves, from that which I had witnessed in the country. A city slave is almost free man compared with a slave on the plantation. He is much better fed and clothed, and enjoys privileges altogether unknown to the slave on the plantation. Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, An American Slave, Chapter six, Paragraph 4, Lines 1-2) When Douglass was probably ten or eleven years his master died and with the division of property he was sent to the family of Master Hugh. For some time he was moved from one master to another which he extremely hated but had no option other than to follow the instructions of his present master. During these different voyages, Douglass made up is mind to flee from this kind of life and tried to take an account of the direction he was traveling so that it would help him run away from there. He had very hard time with the kind of work he was allotted and he was even whipped almost weekly just because he was awkward with the work. All this crossed the limit of patience for Douglass and one day when his master Covey tried to tie him he fought and won. After this incident he was never beaten. Douglass was then sent to another farm where he made friends with other slaves and also taught them to read and write. Here he planed to escape with some of the slaves but was caught and sent to jail. After being released from jail he was sent to learn some trade in Baltimore and he worked as a trainee in a shipyard. Here also white men abused him and his master was kind enough to make him work as a caulker and not go back to the shipyard again. He was even given wages for his work but he had to give them to Master Auld. He writes, In the early part of the year 1838, I became quite restless. I could see no reasons why I should, at the end of each week, pour the reward of my toil into the purse of my master. When I carried to him my weekly wages, he would, after counting the money, look at me in the face with a robber-like fierceness, and ask, â€Å"Is this all? he was satisfied with nothing less than the last cent. He would, however, when I made him six dollars, sometimes give me six cents, to encourage me. It had the opposite effect. (Narrative of the Life of Fredrick Douglass, An American Slave, Chapter eleven, Paragraph 3, Lines 1-3) Somehow Douglass manages and finds his own job and escapes from there and moves to Massachusetts. He mentioned very little about this escape in order to protect the names of persons who helped him in this work. After this he met his fiance and started working on his own. He then joined an antislavery get-together and fought for the issue from that time onwards. Within four months of the publication of the book, â€Å"Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, An American Slave† in 1845, it made a sale of five thousand copies. Douglass sailed to England after the publication of his book and remained there for next two years, as he feared to be recaptured by his legal master. This book eventually gave him the liberty to work for himself and people now believed in the story of his past. He then started a black newspaper too.

Saturday, September 14, 2019


CASE 1 1. Explain the difference between the three types of server virtualization using the first video. 1) Virtualization: virtualization uses a special kind of software called a hypervisor. The hypervisor interacts directly with the physical server's CPU and disk space. It serves as a platform for the virtual servers' operating systems. The hypervisor keeps each virtual server completely independent and unaware of the other virtual servers running on the physical machine.Each guest server runs on its own OS — even have one guest running on Linux and another on Windows. The hypervisor monitors the physical server's resources. As virtual servers run applications, the hypervisor relays resources from the physical machine to the appropriate virtual server. Hypervisors have their own processing needs, which mean that the physical server must reserve some processing power and resources to run the hypervisor application. This can impact overall server performance and slow down appl ications. ) Para-virtualization: Para-virtualization approach is a little different. Unlike the full virtualization technique, the guest servers in a Para-virtualization system are aware of one another. A Para-virtualization hypervisor doesn't need as much processing power to manage the guest operating systems, because each OS is already aware of the demands the other operating systems are placing on the physical server. The entire system works together as a cohesive unit. 3) OS-level virtualization: OS-level virtualization approach doesn't use a hypervisor at all.Instead, the virtualization capability is part of the host OS, which performs all the functions of a fully virtualized hypervisor. The biggest limitation of this approach is that all the guest servers must run the same OS. Each virtual server remains independent from all the others, but you can't mix and match operating systems among them. Because all the guest operating systems must be the same, this is called a homogeneo us environment. 2. Why is virtualization important to a company like Hudson’s Bay Company? How did that factor into their decision to partner with IBM?For this company, they have lots of contact directly with their customer that they need to have great efficiency to serve their customer and did a right statistic and accurate record to establish their information system to see how to make them better. Virtualization can help them realize the capacity, delivered as promise and decline the timing when they are planning. For example, they want to create an image that once might take an hour, but after, it takes only in minutes. It helps them save time that adds more efficiency for them.About their decision to partner with IBM, IBM led to industry that they believe it will be an innovation and useful for their company operating to cooperate with them and it will also benefit in both of them. 3. What kind of companies are likely to use a storage area network (SAN)? The company whic h has massive information to flow in and out will likely to use SAN that’s because it will protect the information from the suddenly down of computer, and company still can use the information they want on the Cloud. A storage area network (SAN) is a dedicated network that provides access to consolidated, block level data storage.SANs are primarily used to make storage devices, such as disk arrays, tape libraries, and optical jukeboxes, accessible to servers so that the devices appear like locally attached devices to the operating system. A SAN typically has its own network of storage devices that are generally not accessible through the local area network by other devices. The cost and complexity of SANs dropped in the early 2000s to levels allowing wider adoption across both enterprise and small to medium sized business environments. A SAN does not provide file abstraction, only block-level operations.However, file systems built on top of SANs do provide file-level access, and are known as SAN file systems or shared disk file systems. 4. Can you think of any risks involved in virtualization? Although, virtualization emphasize the efficiency of minimize the risk that they enhance the security by centralized IT management, easily update service packs& patches and easily restore servers. Once, it was really damage and lost any control, it might be totally break down, because such as all of the desktop are manage by one central sever.If the information are hike it once, it would happened at the same way because centralize all the things in one place, and it would be the risk that we have think about it. 5. Explain why virtualization is considered a â€Å"green† technology. Virtualization can improve the percentage of resources using, increase the flexibility of IT, decrease the system’s operation time, help to cut down the human resources to manage and achieve the function of environment protecting of saving energy and reduce carbon dioxide. Green technology, also called environment technology, is an application of environment science to sustain the natural environment and to reduce the negative effects from human activities. Sustainable development is the core goal of green technology. Because virtualization let many companies to reduce the wasting of hardware and the environment impact from those companies. So we think virtualization is such a kind of green technology.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Management Coaching Thesis Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Management Coaching - Thesis Example However, after realizing the benefits of this concept, more and more companies began incorporating it into their business practices. 2 Business coaching allows executives and regular staff alike to become self aware. They realize what their strengths and weaknesses really are and begin to look at issues from another perspective. On top of that, they begin to understand some of the mistakes that might have sprung from their beliefs and rationales. 3 Business coaching allows individuals to develop time management skills, organizational skills, strategic development skills and leadership skills. All these are vital in ensuring the smooth flow of organizational activities and practices. Business coaching is essential in clarifying one's role as a manager or executive. It transforms individuals from just being producers of goods and services to being in charge of one's business. This is possible by teaching candidates how to communicate to ones' subordinates about a strategic plan, how to focus on long term objectives and the process of delegating authority. 4 Organisations within the Asian context should definitely consider business coaching because it has the propensity to improve results and productivity. This is because it provides a connection between the technical and relational aspects of business. Since production is carried out by people, then one should look for ways of enhancing people relationships. Business coaching is the platform for doing that. How business coaching is done Business coaches should use a series of business skills to fit into a client's organization. They should also have experience with running their own businesses so that they can give support to their anecdotes using this hands-on experience. Business coaches do not tell clients what to do; instead, they foster a friendship with the client, support the client and cause the client to stretch their horizons beyond the obvious. 5 Business coaching is done depending on the needs of the clients. If a client needs business coaching skills to start a new company or business, then business coaches give them the tools for planning their businesses. Here, one is taught how to choose an appropriate organizational structure; one is also taught how to look for service providers from various professions. On top of that, one is given insight about choosing to hire external services or to outsource them. On top of that, one is also given training on sales and marketing strategies. When a business is growing and developing, business coaching involves helping the client redesign their business plan. It is also teaches clients how to improve their operation systems. Also, they are taught how to evaluate their competitors and gauge the most threatening ones. The delegation process is also paramount in growing businesses and this is a key subject in business coaching. 6 When a client owns an already established business, then business coaching is tailored towards this need. Managers are taught how to change their management structures. They are also taught how to encourage their employees to be more innovative. Besides that, business coaching here involves teaching managers how to encourage their employees to be more innovative. Employers are also taught how to evaluate opportunities and methods of entering into new markets. 7 The last category of clients in business coach

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Television in UK Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Television in UK - Research Paper Example People over 65 spend five hours a day watching TV perhaps because certain channels are free for them. Most of the adults between 24 and 65 that spend time on the television, are not actually watching the programs or the ads but are doing some other work simultaneously like talking on the phone or surfing the internet. The three main activities that take up the day include sleeping working and watching TV and men are more likely to watch TV than women. Adults over the age of 16 spend under three hours watching the television and the 24-65 year olds fall under the same category of viewers. The following chart shows that watching television is the most common activity by most people in the UK: According to this, 66% of the adults between 25-64 years of age watch TV regularly, while a higher percentage watches the heritage TV among the 45-64 age groups than those between 25-44 age groups. With the reduction in television viewing, naturally the advertising on television also suffers. With switchover to digital TV all the households will have access to multi-channel and this will affect the viewing behavior. it is expected that over the next decade multi-channel TV viewer ship will increased while the BBC and the traditional channels will decline. It is expected that the position will be thus: UK television advertising is regulated when it comes to minutes per hour and hence the cost of advertising increases. The TV advertising market has two differentiated products - advertising on the traditional commercial channels (Channels 3, 4 and 5) and the multi-channels which includes all other commercial channels. Due to economic conditions and declining audiences, the advertising revenues have declined. There has been a shift from traditional channel viewing to commercial multi-channel viewing which has also impacted the value of TV advertising revenues. The TV has also reduced in its attractiveness as an advertising medium. Because of declining audiences the price of traditional channel advertising has received a boost which means it costs more to deliver to the same audience (PWC, 2006). The advertising budget remains the same but the impacts are fewer. At the same the trend towards watching multi channels is increasing and hence the costs become spread out. The cost of 30 seconds of television advertising now costs just '4.81 per thousand adults and this works out to 29pc cheaper than in 2000 (Mason, 2008). Digital spin-off channels are expected to increase their advertising revenue by ten percent but this will not be able to compensate for the terrestrial channel advertising like the ITYV1, channel 4 and channel 5. The most popular and traditional TV channels are ITV1, Channel 4 and Five and the cost of advertising is the highest for ITV1. Some of the most popular TV channels with the cost of advertising are: * itv1 + GMTV 48.5p * BBC ONE 35p * Channel 4 18.7p * Sat and cable 16.8p * BBC TWO 12p * five 7.7p * BBC THREE 2.5p * BBC FOUR 1.3p * S4C 0.3p Source: Glen, n.d. The television advertising revenue is expected to fall for all channels and by 6 and 7% for channels